Sunday, March 4, 2007

A Healthy Challenge

It all started with Theo's first visit to the vet. The only issue we needed to discuss was one regarding the phenomenal odor coming out of the litter box. World class. It turned out to be much more complicated. Theo, we found out had colitus. From there, a few weeks later when he wasn't feeling well at all, a blood test revealed the poor guy was diabetic. But, the vet suspected that all of this may actually be caused by pancreatitus. A few weeks later after a most expensive test that's what we found.

Now we've found we're juggling a whole lot of variables: a tricky diet where helping the colitus might be in conflict with the proper diet for a diabetic cat. Insulin doses and blood sugar readings that are hard to pin down. And, then the chronic problem of monitoring the pancreatitus which can strongly effect the diabetes, even make it go away for periods of time.

Like I said. It's a challenge.

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